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About Us

We're on a Mission to

revive Islam as Deen at all aspects of human life and to make the Deen of Allah supreme

Tanzeem Ahya-e-Islam believes in casting and sharing the common muslim goals that have place and need of everyone to work within their area of expertise and worth togather for Common Good based on pre-defined clear objectives.

Tanzeem Ahya-e-Islam are looking for self-motivated Ulema, Scholars, Mufits, Islamic organizations, Professionals in the area of Social Sciences, Politics, Information Technology and Economics domain, who have a good understanding of Islamic principles and are ready to work on the models for today's time.

Therefore, please join us and be part of this change, the revival, the transformation that humanity needs and for which Allah swt chooses us Muslims and give responsibility on us to work for the establishment of HIS divine DEEN in the area where you live.

We need “Serving Leaders” from the community, and bringing such talent is not just one organization's need, it is time to engage all and create a culture that best supports Muslims to achieve their divine goal and immediately the community goals in Canada.

Muzamil Majid

Br Muzamil Majid who is the current elected Ameer of Tanzeem Ahya-e-Islam. Br Muzmail is a student of Dr Israr ra and has led the Islamic Organization of North America (IONA Canada chapter) as Ameer for a number of years. He is a well known speaker and Daee and has conducted a number of regular weekly programs on Seerah, Selected Topics from Quran, islamic organizational needs and currently conducting a daily “Morning with Quran” program daily after Fajr.

Dr Fawad Kiyani

Dr Fawad has studied the Islamic sciences from Quran Academy, Anjuman-e-Khaddamul Quran Karachi Pakistan by Dr Israr Ahmed r.a. Dr Fawad Kiyani Medical Doctor by education and a businessman by profession, and he also holds an EMBA and LLB (bachelor of Law) degrees from Pakistan. He is involved in research on different Quranic ideologies.

Dr Fawad has been actively propagating the message of the Quran since 2006. He has been delivering lectures on Islamic sciences and contemporary and Islamic social thought for a number of years now.

His lectures cover various topics of Islamic sciences, including Ulum al-Qur'ān, Ulum al-Inqalab, Political Thought of Islam in comparison with Western Political Thought, Theory of Islamic Constitution, the Revivalist Though of Islam, the Revolutionary struggle of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, the Theory of Deenul Haq and its modern context, contemporary Model of Deenul Haq for todays times.

He is also a khateeb in different masaajids and musallah across GTA. He has been conducting online programs like yearly Khulasa-e-Quran Urdu program during Ramadans, Mornings with Quran Fajr program on Quranic English translation and quick summary.

Dr Fawad spoke at many conferences in GTA, New York, New Jersey and Chicago. He fulfilled the responsibilities of Ameer Toronto in Islamic Organization of North America Canada (2016-2020).

He worked on development of curriculum of the Islamic social thought for the revival of Islam. He worked on the development of the model of Iqamatud Deen for Canada. He co-founded organization for the Revival of Islam (Tanzeem Ahya-e-Islam) and is serving its board of directors.

Dr Fawad currently Located in Clarington Ontario and has been residing in Canada since 2009.